Today my entry is about a Today !! if I love, it is organized scarlata blog has some ideas! hehe in this case the today consists of 13 purposes we want to meet this year! and also at the end of the year specifically on 11.12.13 we will do another today to check which of them we have complied with !! I hope to fulfill them almost all, although I see it hard!
And there goes my today !!!
1. Learning English is my pending subject!
2. Learn Portuguese
3. Reach 50000 visits on the blog, although that does not depend on my 🙂
4. Write 300 entries
5. Buy new camera
6. Finding work, this does not depend much on me either: -)
7. Read 13 books, I hope to read more but I put that for being the 2013 jej
Image taken from
8. I will hydrate my skin day and night; although I'm too lazy, haha but I'll try!
Image taken from
9. Do not leave everything for the last day, I am always tomorrow, tomorrow ... and tomorrow and I have never done anything!
10. Learn to make up, see your blog I'm learning.
11. Be a better person
12. Do not be so border, I'm really border with who is with me but sometimes I step over the edge, I recognize it!
13. Operating from sight, I've been trying to operate for 2 years (myopia) but fear can! Have you ever operated?