Discount codes and savings green bottega

I write this brief entry to tell you that I have just made a purchase in green bottega and I have saved more than 21 euros!

I can not tell you what I bought because I bought gifts for my sister's birthday and how do I read my blog, I do not put it because it was found out ahead of time! but when I pass his birthday I show you the little things!

The discounts for green bottega are what I have used are these:
CIAO € 6
TDFLESKO2012 discount of € 10
You can use it until December 31st!
But it's not over yet! As I said in another entry I'm berubiana! If Beruby and to buy from there if you spend more than 19.96 you save another 7.50 €! and the shipping costs are free!
Well, the total of my purchase was: 42.34 € but with all these discounts I am only going to pay 13.84 € and they also give me a cream!